Handicrafts in Bangladesh
Handicrafts in Bangladesh Handicrafts and Textile Handicraft business is related to the accumulation of handmade product from over the country and to sell them in retail shops or to export in another countries. People have a great hobby for this type of product because it contains flavour of culture of Bangladesh and it has a variety of design. The SWOT analysis of the Handicraft Product can help us to determine the current situation of business, challenges and gaps between demand and supply, source of raw materials and manpower, potentiality of employment, and its prospect for future. Bangladesh is a developing and overpopulated country; thus labour intensive technology can be more appreciable than capital intensive technology for the industries. Application of a large amount of low compensated workers to produce handicraft product will be beneficial for us from dual aspects. The first one is reduction in un-employment thus poverty alleviation and the second one is the earning o...